3 MLM Prospecting Tips
Prospecting can be one of the most important things you do to expand your business, especially if you want to build quickly.
Utilizing these 3 MLM prospecting tips to be more effective will definitely increase your results and help your business to multiply.
Feel free to share this post with people on your team to help them get better results and help you multiply your team even more.
1. Sell Less, Sort More- Stop trying to convince people to join your business and start looking for people that are looking for you. If you’re serious about building your business, then you know that you want more people like yourself. When you joined I bet you saw the opportunity your business offered. Go find people that see the same thing you saw!
“Tell me yes, tell me no, tell me quick cuz I gotta go!”
I always loved that quote because it is so true with network marketing. Adopt this into your daily habits and watch your business multiply even quicker.
2. Be More Targeted- Be targeted in who you are searching for when going into your cold market. If you own a vegetarian restaurant and you are advertising to people that like steak, then you probably won’t do too well. Find your ideal customer and go where they hang out. Then see if they are open to opportunities and expose them if they are. This tip right here will save you a lot of wasted time.
3. Don’t Be Addicted To The Outcome- Stop hoping and wishing everyone will join your business. People can sense desperation and if they sense it they will most likely not join you. Practice the attitude of sorting and know that the right people will join. Your job is to expose your prospects and simply collect a yes or no decision. I tell all of my new teammates that their job title is a “Professional Decision Collector” and that sets the tone for how they should be approaching their prospects. I am actually grateful when I get a no decision because at least I know that I can cross that person off my list.
lw.. mv mvend
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