Masunaga | The 000 vs The One Hundred

Masunaga | The 000 vs The One Hundred

Hicks Brunson Eyewear

1 год назад

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@rafaelcastillo8573 - 01.02.2024 04:28

Great video
Awesome glasses designs

@vallmak - 09.06.2024 05:07

The 000 looks better on you.

@harryx6677 - 17.07.2024 07:22

How’s the bridge of the 102? Is it wider like the 100 or is it more like the 000? The wider the better for my nose 👃🏽

@lisaloo992 - 10.08.2024 10:41

Was the 000 designed for both men and women? They feel very loose around my ears even after adjustment. They also slide down my nose.
