Kylo is climbing on the bed on his own!

Kylo is climbing on the bed on his own!


54 года назад

3 Просмотров

Thank you for your continuous support for Kylo! We have some updates to share with you about our brave little fighter.

Kylo has Club Foot, Hydrocephalus, Spina Bifida, Genu Varum, Undescended Testicle, and Bilateral Hip Dysplasia. Due to these diseases, our baby boy has to take a lot of medications, which have several side effects.

Kylo is not able to stand or walk by himself, but he's not giving up!

His loving mother shared this video with us today. Kylo has just achieved another great success - he's now able to get on the bed on his own!

Go Kylo!!!

#EveryChildHasValue #Success #clubfoot #hydrocephalus #spinabifida #genuvarum #undescendedtesticlebilateralhipdysplasia"


#maya's_hope #children #help #aid #orphans #organization #sponsorship #ukraine #philippines #maya_rowencak
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