Revit API Tutorial: Find Rooms of All Furniture in The project

Revit API Tutorial: Find Rooms of All Furniture in The project

Erik Frits

1 год назад

7,365 Просмотров

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@pfaria - 30.08.2022 20:58

Great video like always. Thank you.

@harley9015 - 31.08.2022 02:07

Love the explanation and how you delved a bit further into the API for things that aren't just on the surface like others do. Also thank you for touching on filters, it's definitely a broad topic but another perspective is always informative.

@mitchelloatman - 31.08.2022 05:45

Yes, please make a video for filters

@feri4life177 - 02.09.2022 13:35


@giancarloarciniegas8466 - 06.09.2022 03:07

Hello i would like to know if there is a way to install my plugin in a .exe file or a .msi file and not have to install pyrevit to add the extensions.
thank you very much for everything.

@cobyiv - 07.09.2022 08:14

I have been struggling with selecting elements in a given view that is both in the current model and in linked models. Does the filter element collector work for linked models as well?

@tomaszwisniewski319 - 14.11.2022 20:19

Great video, if you could make one's about filters it would be perfect, thank you Erik

@WietseStarsz - 16.11.2022 01:25

Hey Erik, I really learned a lot from your videos! I am really stuck at the moment with using a doc-changed hook, it seems to be impossible to use transactions with it (edit a parameter). Maybe you have some knowledge about this?

@FelanaDiamondraRANDRIAMADISON - 06.12.2022 08:18

Hey! i am new to revit api .. how to get all elements objects in revit? without filter

@jacr2020 - 23.01.2023 03:36

Great video. I have a question. How to set a value parameter from a host to elements that it contains? For example, from a beam to rebars. Thank you.

@jedsanford7879 - 02.08.2023 15:14

This is super helpful! I went and made some collector functions based on this code and added them to my lib file I started. But you gotta let me know how to put a list in multiple lines like that when you are making you category list.

@anthonyugbewi8109 - 09.08.2023 22:39

Beautiful and smooth video… is there a discord community for pyrevit ? I ll love to join one, if no , do you mind to create one

@mahmoudfawzy8354 - 13.09.2023 12:08

Easy, simple, powerful💪

@melatubino - 14.09.2023 03:16

Hi! I just bought the guide, and I find it amazing. When are you going to update it? I use Revit 2023. Thanks!

@martinelko9 - 27.09.2023 10:42

I cannot join your newsletter without typing password

@smitbangare9526 - 14.10.2023 08:57

Hello, I am not getting OST_Walls on my autocomplete. Can you tell the reason?

@zeinabmostafa5068 - 18.01.2024 14:28

Yes, please It would be Great if you create a video for filters Like BoundingBoxIntersectsFilter

@brunoCarneiroDis - 23.03.2024 16:37

Hi, erik!

i have seen your tutorial and by the way i have learned a lot, thanks!

i have had some difficulties to understand the VARIABLES and i did not understand when you used active_view = doc.ActiveView. Do you know where i can learn more about it?

@facelessone86 - 25.07.2024 18:29

Is there any way to get this to work with a CAD link? I'm trying to get text from it.
