Bonsai care - how to repot a bonsai tree | Part 2: reasons to NOT repot

Bonsai care - how to repot a bonsai tree | Part 2: reasons to NOT repot

Blue Sky Bonsai

3 года назад

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@katedodd79 - 27.03.2021 16:05

Great info', thanks Dave. Your garden is beautiful.
I'm obsessed with watching/staring at the buds break and tiny leaves on my Hornbeam - just love spring. And (cross fingers) may be able to have 2 friends in the garden next weekend to show off my crude bonsai bench!

@mattbrennan647 - 27.03.2021 16:14

Two thumbs up. Another informative video. Thanks

@DoBonsai - 27.03.2021 16:18

My name is DO Bonsai and I'm going to be talking about only one reason why everybody should watch your videos. You realy teach Bonsai.

@RosarioCostanzo - 27.03.2021 16:24

Hi Dave, very interesting video! Remembering to be sure to have enough soil before to start a repot is a great tip!!! I think it's one of the most underrated things for people who starts with bonsai. Specially at the beginning, it's easy to make this mistake. Thanks for sharing it!

@BackGardenBonsai - 27.03.2021 16:27

I’ve definitely broken most of these rules 🤣 even though I know I shouldn’t.

@jeffhurst4744 - 27.03.2021 16:28

Another informative discussion on repotting . Six good reasons. I express all to friends/relatives new to Bonsai. Keep them coming my friend.

@wadmadhushan4434 - 27.03.2021 16:50

Very important vedio clip. Thank you sir

@clipngrowbonsai6946 - 27.03.2021 17:13

Hey Dave! Here again with my stupid questions 😇 so, have you ever had troubles with the infamous "perched water table" in your pots? If yes, then how did you manage to solve it?

@stevenliddell9705 - 27.03.2021 17:39

Out of all the Bonsai Masters on you tube. I would recommend this channel or (Back Garden Bonsai) if you want to learn anything other than how to climb a mountain or use a dremel🤣 another great video Dave 👍

@shaolinshadowsoldier - 27.03.2021 17:45

Great reminders, how easy it is to get carried away when bonsai fever takes hold!

@shaolinshadowsoldier - 27.03.2021 17:45

Great reminders, how easy it is to get carried away when bonsai fever takes hold!

@migueschindler - 27.03.2021 18:18

Amazing videos! you have a new subscriber. Would you say it is still a good time now to repot a Chinese Juniper to a shallower pot?

@packing999 - 27.03.2021 18:46

Great video. I thi k I focus too much on getting a nice radial root base that I don't let them develop long enough

@anilbhardwaj271 - 27.03.2021 19:14

Hi Dev,Great information

@TheBonsaiGarden - 27.03.2021 20:22

Always very well delivered. Clearly and concisely explained and nicely edited. Keep up the great work David 👍

@jacktaylor6190 - 27.03.2021 23:31

Liked that colander you used, they are great pots for Bonsai training.

@Bonsaicare86 - 28.03.2021 01:36

Thank you for the great explanation

@stevenvitali7404 - 28.03.2021 03:36

Another great video, very helpful information, when I repot my indoor Chinese plum should I just take the whole plant out with the soil if the new pot is bigger and then use the acadama to fill in, or rake most of the old soil from the rootball and use new acadama soil, it's just that it looks like ordinary potting compost is in there, the plant has done really well tho the last 14 months, the new pot is 5 cm bigger all around

@hobbledmantis1733 - 28.03.2021 12:32

Hey Blue Sky Bonsai, I have a video idea that would also be very informative. Would you do a video on The best type of Led lights to use for Bonsai indoor plants in the future??

@BostonBonsaiIdiot - 28.03.2021 15:24

I’m totally torn on what to do with my monster Norway maple. I need to chop that 6’ leader back down to continue to build the trunk, I know that for sure. I had also planned to repot it this spring since it’s been two years. I’m not sure if it’s pot bound, and I worry that if it’s not, lifting it out to check will cause a huge mess and it will be a struggle to get it back into the pot (it’s a giant pot with a ton of soil). I also want to continue to expose the deadwood on the trunk that is currently buried so that it doesn’t have weird striations of rot lines when it’s all finally exposed. FURTHERMORE (last variable, I promise), I repotted one of my smaller NMaples and to my surprise/ horror, the roots had gone crazy and filled the terra cotta pot that the tree was in. Turns out they’re extremely vigorous (video to come).
David, this is hard. How the hell do I make these decisions?
A desperate idiot

@PumpkinBecki - 29.03.2021 08:34

Really enjoying this series Dave 😊 Excellent advice and a cheeky peek at all your trees 😎😍xx

@JGGPilot - 31.03.2021 04:35

Dave! Thank you for the awesome video!

@suisekirussia..2526 - 01.04.2021 13:01


@jackiemonroejemfpv4204 - 01.04.2021 18:15

I like this guy chilled and laidback personality. It feels like he is sharing a secret.✌️😎

@jonnecleef5548 - 05.04.2021 18:48

When are there new video’s? Would love to see more about the red maple (:

@bonsaimadeinaceh4267 - 09.04.2021 11:35

Good jobs my friends 👍👍

@isidroalbertgarcia2396 - 13.04.2021 23:48

Nice Dave! Thanks again!

@JungleScene - 15.05.2021 20:42

Im in a predicament with a mugo pine and whether or not to repot: Its in development in a nursery pot and has blight. the soil they planted in is way too much organics and not draining enough which is likely the cause of the blight in the first place. I know you arent supposed to repot a sick tree, but what if its potting situation is the cause of the sickness.

Should I repot and risk losing the tree, or do I try and make due even with unideal soil situation and try to get it healthy first?

@pjbabu2169 - 17.05.2021 13:43

David sir how r u
This is PJ
I Watch u r videos and i follows ur suggestions
Sir i have japanese red mapple, I surch some online shops but there no sales japanese mapple
if u don't mine
courear to me red mapple😔

@jacobhyslop6737 - 17.07.2021 18:43

my bonsai has a disease, going to apply fungicide today . Do I need to repot ? Hawaiian umbrella .

@rosemacaskie - 03.10.2021 00:13

In winter trees round here, Spain, tees put on new twigs and after all, though the leaves fall off trees in winter they do hae green just under the bark, are they truly totally dormant?

@gentkapiti5528 - 13.10.2021 14:52

Great content THANK YOU

@bobbymalta73 - 25.12.2021 17:16

You'r such a Phenomenone mate im learning a lot from you..
Bless you and your Dear ones.🤝

@davidcastro6524 - 20.01.2022 18:05

Hola Dave! Acabo de descubrir yu canal y me parece muy interesante. Podrías habilitar la traducción al español en todos ellos? Muchas gracias!

@MrBananaxXx - 16.04.2022 12:31

Is there a go to soil you should use or does it depend?

@lilicesar8386 - 17.04.2022 17:34


@SysterYster - 26.04.2022 23:20

I failed to repot three of my bonsai. They have opened their leaves fully now and are growing. So, maybe better to just wait with the root cutting this year? Let them sit in a bigger pot?

@josephcowan651 - 06.07.2022 01:04

Question if i start a repot and don’t have enough soil to finish the job would i be okay to soak the roots until i get more soil? I’m not in this situation yet and i likely wont be for some time as i just started my first trees and i’m starting from seeds. So this is a question for future knowledge. (I love the channel by the way keep up the great work)

@richardandrew01 - 08.09.2022 06:39

Hi Dave. Just wrote to ask some advice again. I have an olive tree bonsai here which leaves are curling and drying off due to overwatering. I didnt overwater it but i live where there is a lot of rainfall. The branches are still green, so i repotted it in well draining soil. Is there a chance that it will recover? The roots are brown and a bit mushy but there are still a few white roots. Can i remove the curling leaves or should I just let them on the tree? Thank you very much for your valuable advice. 😊

@care4animals114 - 15.09.2022 09:25

Thanks heaps Dave, you covered a lot.
Glad you explained the seasons cycle of growth etc which I didn't know

@gslad3901 - 16.10.2022 03:43

Hey there Dave! I had to do a repotting on my brazilian rain tree 2 weeks ago and now it is losing a ton of leaves and it is starting to worry me. Is there anything I can do to boost its health/ growth? any advice would be a huge help!

@BackSeatHump - 01.11.2022 07:36

Where is this "part 3" then? I can't find it.

@tasanastasi7799 - 28.01.2023 19:07

Thanks Dave love your shelving hope to do similar this spring ;)

@iamlowkeyedits - 03.06.2023 20:30

I already have 3, 2 year old plants I'm working with. Listening to you is very informative and calming xo

@viniciuslanabr - 08.06.2023 05:26

Hey Blue Sky Bonsai, did you use an RF 85mm f2 lens to record this video?

@passdasalt - 01.08.2023 16:15

Wait, I thought if you prune the roots you should also prune the branches to balance out the demand on the diminished root system? For example, a new tree bought from a nursery that you want to start to decrease the root ball.

@carolficorilli9768 - 05.07.2024 10:08

how do you thicken bonsai trunks

@Deshojo78 - 23.10.2024 05:00

I’m guessing the tree will recover overtime if you trim the roots and the branches at the same time? Probably just slowed it down for a season or two?
