In less than than 60 seconds you will learn some of the most important facts of hashtag#OPCUA and you need not do it by yourself.....
❓ Is OPC UA an open standard?
📢 Yes, OPC UA is an open standard defined in IEC62541 standard for data exchange
❓ Can I use OPC UA for low footprint platforms like sensors?
📢 Yes
❓ Can I run OPC UA in baremetal?
📢 Yes, there are single thread implementations
❓ Is OPC UA used in rockets?
📢 Yes
❓ Is OPC UA a complex technology ?
📢 No, complex features are available for complex applications
❓ Can I use OPC UA for deterministic communications?
📢 Yes, opc hashtag#uafx provides the possbility
❓ Is MQTT better than OPC UA?
📢 Wrong question, OPC UA and MQTT work hand in hand
❓ Are there open source implementations of OPC UA?
📢 Yes
❓ How can i start with OPC UA?
📢 Follow Melvin Francis on Linkedin for easy tutorials