LOL what the hell is your point man omg this is the worst video ever made.
ОтветитьAs redundant as the master fader is, having an alias of it at the top of the interface could be handy for turning down the volume temporarily when the mixer is hidden. I have been using logic for more than 15 years and I just saw that for the first time in this video. LOL. Never knew it was there.😆
ОтветитьThanks so much Chris another great video.
ОтветитьTake 10 minutes to get to the point . . . the Master fader controls the level of all the output channels.
Ответить95 % of the video dealing with the stereo out. But the topic is why both? No answer that makes sense. Like the master fader channel. For me that is absolutely useless. I nearly forgot that it is there. So useless.
Ok. You say it is a final fader before the interface. Almost a VCA fader. But…… a half decent VCA Fader would not leave all the channels inaudible except for one. And frankly said, I do not need that kind of a fader before the interface. In fact it will rob bit depth from the output signal if I bring it down. Much better is an analog volume pot on my interface. Every half decent interface has one by now. And if it doesn’t, get a new one that has an analog volume pot. It will be one of your best investments for a long time. Forget about the Logic master fader nonsense.
The Master fader is only redundant if you use only 1 pair of outputs. If you have many channels going out to a mixer (or summing unit) then it is indeed a Master fader for all the outputs, and doesn't seem redundant at all. It's also a great PANIC fader for when you set up a feedback loop and need to kill all the outputs quickly!
ОтветитьI have a mix bus before my stereo output.
ОтветитьGreat overview. 💪🏻👏🏻👍🏻🙏🏻 Must admit I‘ve never used the Master Fader, but often wondered why it‘s there. At least I know know …
ОтветитьI have two auxes acting as additional master faders in my template 😅
ОтветитьGreat like always ;) Thanks
ОтветитьEXCELLENT VIDEO Chris. Many Thanks
ОтветитьExcellent video as always. A thought re the master fader - if we set the Master Fader to 0dB and everything in the Stereo Output Metered and Mastered to achieve -13dB LUFS ready for streaming, can we simply turn the Master Fader up by 5dB to have a bounce ready for CD (at approx-8dB LUFS)? (Yeah, we know, should we really be mixing/metering/mastering on the fly? But we're hobbyists with a $50 a year recording budget!!!)
ОтветитьHey Chris, i believe a more common use of the master fader is to deal with how much signal is sent to the compressor without having to edit the automation of individual tracks if there is some on them. The headphone feed to musician is more often done through sends to alternative outputs thusly maintaining the signal to the main output. At least this is how i would do it and have learned it. Thank you anyway for your great videos.
ОтветитьThanks Chris! Maybe someone on here or yourself can answer this… is there a way to control where in the mixer I place my AUX channels? They always seem to show up at the end of the mixer. A little counter productive IMHO
ОтветитьThank you bro
ОтветитьYou've been very helpful to me. Thank you!
I do not know the proper channel to make inquiries: I lost some data on an earlier version of a session that I continued to work on. I'd like to try to recover that data without losing all the subsequent work. If I make a copy of this session and then revert it back to the date before I lost the data, will it affect the original file? I'd like to recoup the missing data and add it to the current version.
If I'm asking this information in the wrong place, I apologize. Thank you!
It’s also good to mention that if you’re doing automation and need a classic fade out, you can use the “create a track” feature for that master fader and then apply the automation like you would any other track.
ОтветитьExcellent video, I always wanted to know how to mix traditional '80s porn music.
ОтветитьSo, the LUFS meter is only accurate if both Stereo Out and Master are set to zero? I assume if a limiter on Stereo Out is set so the loudest peaks are at 0, then raising either output strip above 0 will cause clipping?
ОтветитьJust subscribed
ОтветитьWhat brand of pc i need to have logic pro?
ОтветитьCan you attach a file with the cory wong loop pack session youmade for Logic, somewhere? Want to check it out but I don't have an ipad
ОтветитьWhat a complete waste of time.
ОтветитьSkip to 10 minutes for the answer. Sorry Chris :P
ОтветитьNevet would use logic, Cubase Pro is the ultimate daw
ОтветитьHey Chris, Your videos are very informative as usual, but slightly hard to follow sometimes because your viewers can't follow your "TINY WHITE CURSOR". You now where you're moving it to but we can't always tell until it is too late and we have to rewind multiple times to find out. Please enlarge your cursor and give it some "striking color", with an outline so everyone can follow along.
ОтветитьThis is only for stereo Projects it doesn't apply to surround projects in surround projects master fader becomes an AUX-type channel instead of a VCA. Both have a dedicated bounce button if you are outputting into stereo or surround
ОтветитьThe Stereo Out is the true master fader. the other one should not exist.
ОтветитьI use Logic since the very beginning and I love it, but for me the Master strip is one of the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
First of all is deadly confusing, like your video and many comments here demonstrate.
Second is useless for most (by far most) of the users. Let's be honest, what's the % of people that use several physical outputs and need a common fader to adjust them all?
And third, and for me the most important, they simply lost a chance of doing something MUCH more useful, that is a Control Room strip.
Instead of this silly and useless strip, a control room strip, with plugins available but not affecting at all the mix, would have been a HUGE LOT more useful.
You could eq your room, your headphones (eventually with one of those amazing correction plugins), turn up and down the listening volume even if you don't have your interface knob handy, and all this WITHOUT affecting your mix. To do so you have to create a virtual out in OSX, but then you have lag, so you have to turn on and off... a pain!
Yes, something like Cubase, that I know, use and like REALLY less than Logic. But still, when it's right, it's right.
I love this channel, I love Logic, but in this case I think Apple dropped the egg out of the canister.
but if u send other channels to other outputs how do u bounce if the playback goes to output 1-2 ??? i just bought an ssl console and im having a hard time bouncing the track with all the automations from logic and the mix from my console. would really appreciate if someone could help ?
ОтветитьSort of unrelated, but i added 2 ''sub-masters" to my template, nice for when you want to exclude something from a "master"
ОтветитьAs a user of other DAWs I find this just absurd :D :D
ОтветитьThanks for sharing, was hoping you would talk about setuping plug in slots on the master fader, I have a project an engineer sent and they had both the stereo output and master channel setup with plugins on and have never figured the setting to change it. Currently have a pre stereo out bus setup to allow the same mix options but would be so much easier on the master channel, any help here would be great!
ОтветитьVery long, but still useful! Thanx
ОтветитьStereo Out 0, Máster 0
ОтветитьThanks, I had the master fader wrong, I assumed it was simply adjusting the volume of my speakers, having nothing to do with the bounce.
Ответитьhomeboy waffles lol
ОтветитьMy question is, instead of having 2 master faders - why not have 12? That’ll get everyone jumping all over the shop
ОтветитьThank you!
Seeing the various bounced results was great. It’s clear some people in the comments haven’t had to use VCAs before and don’t realize still what they actually are and why Logic has them. I hope you can let their ignorant comments roll.
I genuinely feel bad that so many people have to learn sound engineering from a DAW.
I’m a full time audio engineer and I teach audio and music production and it’s fun to watch people’s minds get blown when I demonstrate how to input a mic to an aux channel and then route the output of the aux into a standard track so recording level can be adjusted during recording on the fly like we always did to tape (pre-DAW) and still do using consoles- so compressors don’t have to work so hard later. Also for time aligning room mics in real-time by adding the needed milliseconds via an insert, adding high pass eq for vocals and instruments that have low resonant room tone, noise,A/C rumble , mic stand thump caused from drum kit or bass amps, frequency adjustment to assist mic placement choice for things like proximity effect or sculpting mic low end of ribbon mics etc etc and anything that can be eliminated from the track during tracking for better tracks.
There is SO much amazing stuff to be experienced and learned and it’s so cool to see your contributions!
Got an unrelated tech question if you don't mind. Lately I'm having a problem with playback after i record a vocal. The track plays fine and then will just cut to static sound for like 4 seconds and then vocal comes back in. Any suggestions on whats the problem with Logic and how to fix it? I enjoy using Logic but some "basic" things just need to work consistently. Thank you for your insight!
ОтветитьSuper clear lesson bro thank you
ОтветитьYour mic audio sounds amazing, clean and loud. 👌🏻 Sound like a smart mic what chain are you using for this video voice over sir?
ОтветитьThis is great!
ОтветитьWhat is that MASTERING under the plugin section on Stereo Out?
ОтветитьChris—help! lol. Is there a way to engage/disengage plugins in order to A/B?? Similar to the option key and the solo button???
Ответитьso confusing wtf
Ответитьyour mom
ОтветитьSound design for theater which have 8 outputs. You are automated the left/right/center/back or whatever. The mix sound really cool and the director comes in, and say "can this ehole section be quieter ?" Master fader become a click away.
So often in theater work, the mix need to be finalized in the venue.
Brilliant explanation. I bounced by mistake with the master -16, and when i listened the wav audio in my computer it was very quiet, then i realised the master was in -16 db, it was a pain until i realised i need to be careful when bounce the project, stereo out and master too has to be at 0 db. I wont touch them, as you say in the video.