Acura Pioneer Component Speaker Upgrade Set

Acura Pioneer Component Speaker Upgrade Set

Acura Audio Garage

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@xtermigator - 06.01.2024 03:43

Hello my friend @ College hacked i’m so happy that since this episode is aired, I’ve been able to help others take the road that I have taken that was so well laid out by Dr. Cliff, which was just a little bit over a year ago and since then to give you an update, not only do I have from UMPI a bachelors in arts and a masters in organizational leadership but I also got another bachelors in business administration from them just finished an MBA at Hellenic American College for $3000 and a masters of theology and two courses away from a masters of divinity at nation university and I’m five months in during the second semester of my 12 month, doctoral program at Virginia University Of Lynchburg for Dr. of healthcare administration. And this is coming from somebody who you and a half ago didn’t even have their bachelors and we’re taking courses at Sophia.

@abeellis4470 - 09.03.2025 04:37

I start my BLS with History minor on Monday with UMPI. I’m very nervous. Their prices have gone up to $1700 per 8 week semester.

What writing style is used? APA or MLA?

@alexa.1956 - 05.03.2025 19:28

UMPI or WGU for a master’s? Anyone have any feedback???

@sciencesaves - 10.01.2025 02:54

how did he get so many work experience hours?

@eugenenronnierodriguez5582 - 04.01.2025 09:11

I can’t wait to get started!! God bless you Eric for sharing your story!

@santiagojuliao3695 - 20.12.2024 06:09

Very impressed with his accomplishments, he might not be book' smart, but he definitely has a natural intelligence looking at the way he expresses himself so confidently. May the Lord bless his next academic life with a lot of success and thank you for sharing. Happy Holidays everyone on your channel!

@wombat-ut4hl - 06.11.2024 02:04

I did 14 classes, 42 hours, at UMPI in a little over 5 weeks. If I could do it again, I'd have spent more time on the milestones. I was rushing because I thought I'd be really cutting it close, and by the time I realized I was ahead of schedule, I was on a roll in a certain frame of mind and found it difficult to slow down. I turned in my last final on Monday, the start of week 6. So to be precise, I would say I completed 14 classes in 5.2 weeks. (It helps to be between jobs and highly motivated.)

@emiisam_2953 - 28.10.2024 07:03

I’m currently at WGU for my MBA in Healthcare Management … I pass all my written exams but have issues with the objectives proctored exams. I wonder if I can transfer the credits I already have and if I can relief these anxiety. Really just want to finish but the teachers are not helpful at all. Recommendations ? Just learned about UMPI.

@eastcounty4605 - 28.10.2024 04:30

How do we contact Eric. This is absolutely incredible. I start tomorrow and I am absolutely nervous.

@Aksfl440 - 25.09.2024 14:55

His story is really helpful. I have a very demanding full time job, working with families who have special needs. A bachelors would allow me to get the masters I need in my field.

@churchillcoins8519 - 09.09.2024 13:13

Very informative and inspirational, thanks for sharing Eric.

@farharooni - 21.08.2024 22:49

Wow congratulations! Such an inspiration <3 I was thinking about UMPI but was nervous about the writing part. This made me feel much better :D

@morgandavis6017 - 13.08.2024 06:04

Very inspiring . Thank you sir for sharing your story

@HisLovedOne - 14.07.2024 21:26

Congratulations 🎉 please, would you like to get in touch with me. I am in the process of applying for the masters too. Am SO grateful for any hints!
(needing to transfer A TON of credits from German and Austrian University and need to finish real fast since I have so very little money! Positive: I love writing and research!)
Please help 🤗✨

@spyder7724 - 19.06.2024 19:46

Eric, I am also a client of Cliff/Loren and would love to talk to you before I start UMPI in a couple weeks. Just have some questions about your personal experience since I am also on a time sensitive mission to complete asap. Any connection help would be greatly appreciated

@MarioGonzalez-cf5cp - 10.06.2024 16:53

Thank you, Eric. Very inspiring story.

@gcastro239 - 07.06.2024 22:44

Hi, I'm actually 46 and at the end of my career, in about another 1-2 years. I never really needed a degree in my current career. If i had one, i would have only made an additional $500.$1000 per year. In my next job, there is almost a $14.00 an hour difference in pay for having a "degree". When i Inquired, I was told that i only needed to have 30 credits, but I'm still looking further into this, to confirm.
If I make a consultation with you, do you think it would be worth it for me to just go for an Associates Degree and hopefully be able to get work experience credits, credits from other sites (Sophia, Clep...) for a Degree as quickly as possible? I've watched several of your videos and It seems like I may have a very different situation because this degree would only for the income increase, for my post retirement job?

@christopherbabler3007 - 13.05.2024 22:06

what an inspiration.
Thank you 🙏
a 58 year old just beginning my scholastic journey ✅🧮

@jessicafarley658 - 29.04.2024 07:51

Does UMPI your pace give a GPA unlike WGU?

@ube-23s - 15.04.2024 10:44

What is this video saying to people? Are you saying that this college is a ""SCAM"".? Why would I go to this college the way you are telling us that you can finish 48 Credits in Two Months. ?
I don't get it all these happy comments. One commentator, said about ,Eric """He’s eligible for a PhD in a year; but year ago, he didn’t think a bachelor's program was possible.""" Wowwww, Does the Secretary of Education know this? Are these people happy to get a masters or PHD degree without learning or knowing the subject the right way like other good quality Universities.? I don't get it.

@yasminflor2068 - 15.03.2024 17:06

Thank you for sharing your experience, Eric. I am happy for you and you also gave me more hope.

@theclimbingroseaffirmations - 07.03.2024 19:07

I had my college transcripts sent over to UMPI, and then a week later they ask for my high school transcripts too. It would have saved some time to tell me what all was needed in the first email.

@truthserum1271 - 06.03.2024 03:21

Eric’s story is incredibly inspiring. I feel hope and I plan on taking the plunge. Maybe this summer

@spearson822 - 29.02.2024 16:56

I really appreciate that he said he failed a math class, I start UMPI in March and that has been worrying me what happens if I fail a class

@GABRIELJACMEL - 15.02.2024 15:18

Congratulation Eric, congratulations this was the video besides one more from this channel that inspired me to sign up at UMPI, and to be honest I never heard of the school never knew about his existence until I stumbled on this video I transferred to UMPI they took 101 credits And now I’m getting ready to begin this March. Thank you so much for this video. Thank you so much for this channel I completed a total of 60 credits at Sophia.

@rebeccag8161 - 14.02.2024 06:31

I hate discussion boards. I am glad they confirmed that it is part of the program. Now, I know to not attend.

@sarasara-yo9rf - 11.02.2024 04:52

I signed up with UMPI and will begin in March. Your video eased my nerves, thank you. Could you make a tutorial on picking courses, managing things around, and giving some guidance?

@newton3438 - 31.01.2024 18:04

What are courses that umpi offer

@syedabdullah4250 - 13.01.2024 03:23

Hello what are the requirements to get into umpi fast track?

@RobertJames-x6m - 06.01.2024 19:20

Need Advice! I`m 44 years old. I graduated with a Business Degree and have a Masters in Education. I`m teaching for the last 17 yrs, but wanted a career switch into Business/IT Management/Healthcare/Supply Chain career. Should I go straight Competency Based to MBA in IT in WGU or take Competency Fast Track Bachelor`s in Project Management in UMPI? Any suggestion is welcome! Thanks!

@juniormbende1266 - 01.12.2023 06:21

I did 20 Sophia courses in 2 months. My goal is to take 25 courses before I start My BS in Business Administration at SNHU in January 2024. I have already transferred 15 credits from my certificates (PMP, CSM, CAPM, Google Project Management).

@atollmedicdiving - 19.11.2023 09:39

How cool is this? I am 62 and will finish my associate's, I need a certification next month, then consultation with a goal of a master's and then a doctorate... I am free up and tell everyone I am a full-time college student! You can teach old dogs new tricks!

@kelseanixon9244 - 09.11.2023 07:39

What can you do with an organizational leadership masters? Is this good for non-profit leadership?

@princeniiaddohoffman-fm1rj - 24.10.2023 23:31

Very inspirational, thanks

@cigarboxskinny1154 - 14.10.2023 02:30

Really encouraging as I am a truck driver and finished high school with penn foster in the back of my truck with a lap top. After that I tackled a couple main courses with Sophia just to see if I could do it. Currently I'm am looking at different school options that fit my lifestyle.
Thank you for your testimony

@troyh1025 - 06.10.2023 02:22

From watching this video, it was very inspirational. I am thinking of going to UMPI to get my undergraduate in psychology. I also will be transferring the maximum amount of units into the institution and hoping to finish my undergraduate studies within one term as well. 🥳🥳

@plottedpath - 24.09.2023 21:02

This is such a great story! I am going to be 40 next year but plan to start UMPI in January for my BABA M&L. Working through Sophia right now and I finished 18 courses in 45 days. I have done almost everything with touchstones so I can fire through the milestone only courses last and take a break at the holidays. Your channel and the Degree Forum have helped me so much. I already am a VP in HR so I understand management and leadership really well but I need this piece of paper to continue my career growth. Thanks for this accessible resource. Hoping to see more community online around UMPI! 🎉😊

@MAGNETICMINDS0127 - 29.08.2023 06:45

I love this! EXTREMELY motivating!

@mefadon459 - 27.08.2023 00:58

I think what we need is a network of degree hackers and also a post interview talking about what job or career they got. All this don’t mean nothing if they don’t get a great job or career

@rachelolmos5925 - 06.08.2023 22:43

I’m a stay at home mom with my spouse who is deployed. I really wish I could afford a consultation with you 😢

@mommyandme828 - 06.08.2023 15:38

Are the test proctored ?

@AutomateTopicalAuthority - 16.07.2023 10:39

@eric, you are the MAN! Keep crushing it. I hope have an update after your next conquest.

@ChefRonJenkins - 26.06.2023 04:15

How are UMPI's classes? It sounds as if they are very similar in structure to Sophia with more writing. Would that be accurate?

@ChefRonJenkins - 26.06.2023 04:11

I love this! Very inspirational. Congratulations friend. Our back stories are very similar down to the age. I start UMPI's August session with only minor core to complete. My goal is to finish early to leave room for some master's work. Im so excited!!! Thanks Dr for all the great info.

@Xaforn - 24.06.2023 03:40

This resonates with me so highly since I want my doctorate so much, it’s my dream!! I am a special needs caregiver 24/7 for adults and a single parent so I totally get this! Not to mention this will not look at me and see my disability but what I am capable of.

@Ag-wu4mi - 15.06.2023 22:51

What was that writing resource he mentioned? That the military family qualified him for

@darkroses312 - 13.06.2023 03:19

I’m actually transferring from CSU Global to UMPI after watching all these videos . Thanks guys this is so inspirational and one step closer to have a dream come true

@angelahenao887 - 08.06.2023 22:56

Congrats Eric!!
