Mercedes W211 How to replace front brake pads correctly and do not spoil SBC

Mercedes W211 How to replace front brake pads correctly and do not spoil SBC

Amazing Road TV

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@serdarsz915 - 05.03.2018 17:14

I usually disconnect the battery only. never done it by disabling the SBC.. hope I don't brake anything soon lol. sbc is a really expensive part

@anatoliysutigin2491 - 05.03.2018 17:14


@dprocdproci8230 - 05.03.2018 18:10


@peppaskul6645 - 06.03.2018 04:35

Do a parasitic draw video please

@momentosdegloria - 09.03.2018 03:06

Why is very important to dissable the SBC before??

@mmndimitrov - 31.03.2018 15:42

Its very good video thnx

@serbancordis3416 - 08.04.2018 00:59

If you don;t have a tester you can disconnect the battery and make sure brakes are not working.

1. don't put dusty parts on the seats.
2. not sure why second sensor is made that way, but you can cut/grind it and make it fit. Not sure who would want to know when the pads are half way down. i only need to know when they are finished.
3. you should open the bleeder valve before pushing in the piston.
4. sliding pins should be inspected/regreased if necessary.
5. bleeding with some positive pressure device might be required. That would press the pads in and you won;t get an error.

@mong4491 - 27.05.2018 23:27

changed the brakes, the wrong way, now I have the warning sign.
do you have a simple reply you can give me?

@adonis1752 - 29.05.2018 22:59

Why do the breakpads have 2 different holes? And what should you do when the breakpads reach the first hole and then appears that warning?

@dzodaj - 30.05.2018 19:09

Thank you for the info.
Can traction control button off turn SBC to passive, or some fuse out, because I do not have computer?

@mscortana2711 - 08.07.2018 12:12

What is the name of the song?

@badrazzane4412 - 08.07.2018 17:55

you have to desactivate SBC whay ??????????

@adm7377 - 29.07.2018 23:57

Здраствуйте! Я надеюсь вы говорите по русски. Я советовался по вашему видео(спасибо вам за инфо) все сделал так, поменял нижний шаровой палец, собрал. Получилось норм, тормоза работают, пальцы и система тормозов целые кроме нервов которых мне портит желтый значек (скользкая дорога ESP) который ска моргает как только машина набирает 10-15 км. Ошибок никаких не выдает. Как вы думаете что это может быть?

@elkillerx - 23.12.2018 03:17

When I changed the brake pads on my w211 I would always just unplug the SBC unit. Never had any issues doing that.

@ylmazcoskun8138 - 09.12.2019 19:43

how many sensors do we need and which wear sensor type and how many ?

@ylmazcoskun8138 - 09.12.2019 19:51

where can we find sbc pump

@muratkaynar802 - 09.09.2020 13:54

İs there anything to do old brake disc?

@JB-zb9zo - 13.10.2020 19:04

Regarding the guide pins, never saw a guide mentioning anything about relubricating these, are these supposed to go in dry just like in some BMWs?

@tatadzortov9782 - 23.10.2020 13:29

Приветствую тебя бро. Вот этим прибором FOXWELL NT301 OBD2 возможно деактивировать sbc и прокачать тормоза??

@pfoxhound - 15.11.2020 03:03

почему направляющие пальцы не проверили?

@GHOST1996ps3 - 10.03.2021 06:51

I didn't know that when I did my brakes and freaked after I had a Christmas tree on the dash thankfully my verus edge had the feature to reset the sbs system

@HM-ke1qm - 29.12.2021 20:55

The music makes it look like you're committing a crime doing this.

@electric8668 - 08.06.2022 09:32

Wouldn't disconnecting battery/batteries work as well?

@paulnilsson4724 - 12.06.2022 20:16

SuperB Best Mercedes Mechanics! ;-) , Very good information with the sensors!

@Jacko87able - 08.08.2022 14:49

you also need inform that nobody open car doors or use remote key..

@troy3291 - 11.09.2022 06:01

Have replaced brakes numerous times on e320 4matics and NEVER disconnected battery and especially circumvented SBC with my diag tool.

Is this a non 4matic thing?

@AK-or4rh - 02.02.2023 22:35

When you change these, and dont deactivate sbc, Lock your doors and put keys far away and dont touch doors

@edwardandrade4390 - 03.12.2023 06:05

Wait I'm sure the break fluid is NOT supposed to be send back 😮

@remixm06b3 - 05.12.2024 01:19

Jaki model testera diagnostycznego?
