I Was Wrong About League Of Legends

I Was Wrong About League Of Legends

Skooch DLC

11 месяцев назад

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@sacarymoviesamu - 15.12.2023 02:09

This is probably one of the funiest videos and meme templates that i have ever seen from you HAHAHAHA. Like bruuuuuh your face is like, bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuh hahahahahahaha

@murillomesmo8189 - 15.12.2023 05:53

idk, I still consome some league content (not gameplay tho, just other contents related to), but I'm never playing the game again. My problem with the game was much more on the gameplay and art design. I did no like the new skins for years, I didn't liked the looks, lores and personalities of champions for years. I hated the events, I really hate some of the champions, I don't like the music they are working on.
Anyway, I just have to accept that league as going more and more away from my taste and diping in things that I don't like or even hate, and as a casual player who cared deeply for those things, basically everything was frustrading and annoying, and it was making of me a worse person, since I was locking myself in a place that didn't did good for me. Idk why this video got sugested for me today, but well, its somewhat relatable, same way it was when you gave up. And for the bitter part of me, I love to casually see rants about problems with league besides/beyond competitive balance (can be a part of, but not the only subject).

@ShadowAngelS2K - 15.12.2023 11:05

How many more times is this dude gonna quit LoL and then come back because he can't make any good content

@mazfgit - 15.12.2023 15:53

Idk if this will get buried but it would be cool to see a tier list of sorts on the different channels that came and went, making parody or original league of legends songs. Badministrator was the best OG imo

@sirrealgaming6913 - 15.12.2023 16:49

I haven't seen you in years I think?
hope you're doing well
see you in a few more years maybe x3

@PandaKnight-FightingDwagon - 16.12.2023 09:03

man am i glad the 2nd channel found its way to my front page

@PandaKnight-FightingDwagon - 16.12.2023 09:11

also, I have never been more in need of a funny "here's what this champion does" skit video because goddamn Hwei makes Aphelios look like Jax

@thekittenfreakify - 16.12.2023 13:01

Leagur is not fun at all

@alexandrubobaru - 16.12.2023 14:12

Around 7 months ago
"I have a lot of videos that I will upload soon enough"
3 videos from which one is promo

What happened dude?

@lagerinopino6012 - 16.12.2023 17:26


@magical571 - 17.12.2023 08:15

i miss your league content, but i understand your creative reasoning. best of luck

@JeliOnYT - 18.12.2023 00:26

To be honest I love your other content but don't really keep up because league content is my favorite. I saw your face on a necrit video and I was summoned back 😅

@AlRa-fm1kq - 18.12.2023 00:43

i subbed i didn't know this was a 2nd ch

@seanboglio3605 - 18.12.2023 07:46

Dude, NO ONE is sending death threats. It's a stunt, a PR move. Cause phreak actually screwed up there. I like mostly of what he's been doing (not nerfing Kai-sa as 2 armor is placebo nerf cause HE PLAYS HER A LOT)

@danielorlovaquinn - 18.12.2023 17:16

Is th8s his actual channel wth? Wierd

@Vernafveik - 18.12.2023 18:51

I appreciate what they’re doing

Despite having hundreds of hours in League I have played Ranked less than a handful of times because it’s not a health competitive community

I say that as someone who plays tournaments in other games, and does competitive sport

Competition is great, but when it’s all you focus on it ironically stops being a competition and rather an unhealthy obligation to “be better than everyone else” and you stop treating people like people

@dylansmith6078 - 19.12.2023 05:01

Hwei is not that complicated though he really has 3 abilities with very neiche options as secondary main abilities are qe we ee amd the rest is like "if enemy is this" or "if there are no minions."

@anotherpersonfromnorfolk1587 - 19.12.2023 05:36

Hey man, just remember. Games are meant to be fun. If you're not having fun playing a game, you can stop playing it. It's truly that simple. I feel like in a lot of our addictions to games we might've forgotten that games are supposed to be enjoyable to play. Not your outlet to prove you're better than some random guy on the internet you'll probably never meet irl.

And if you feel your complaints on a game are falling on deaf ears, once again, it's best to just stop playing it. I feel like if we all followed that philosophy, developers would be truly focused on trying to listen to the playerbase as best as they can.

@botou4025 - 19.12.2023 07:30

Ur video can we talk about this are the funniest league video u have

@tatzecom - 21.12.2023 12:54

enough corporate cocksucking

arena is not the best mode. The idea of arena is great, but the execution is so hillariously bad its almost comical. Its a bruiser/healthstacker meta that is incredibly toxic with the occasional overtuned champion-augment interaction (like perma Q Yi)

@johnnybravous - 21.12.2023 19:05

If they would bring a rotating game mode that could show up every week I would play this game more. I cant stand 40 minute rifts; these modes are literally the only thing keeping me.playing

@OneOfTheLoveless - 21.12.2023 23:44

The highest rank of arena is actually glad? .. oof but well figueres.

@timesplitterlad - 22.12.2023 17:56

I hope Skooch manages to read my theory post because I think he'd get a laugh at least, but maybe he'd actually see where my heads at:

I definitely think league is doing well for the casual player. I have a theory that as cheats become more available for most other competitive games (that generally all happen to be FPSs) players become even more frustrated with League. The simple fact that they can't cheat is what leads to all the insane rage because these players feel like they're stuck in a box they can't get out of without actually self reflecting, putting some time in, and getting better. In every other game, when they get frustrated, they just cheat (or sometimes pay to win or both). Which is why people can play league for 10 years and still can't look at their minimap or understand half the characters in the game, but will pretend they learned the new COD, Apex, Finals, etc. 6-mile map overnight with tracking skills matching the full effort of the United States Military and combined Intelligence services. They won't see the same gank top after full clear that every jungler has hit them with for 6 seasons straight over 2,000 games, but will pretend like they spotted you at 750 meters through 4 buildings in the midst of a barrage of bullets. Then of course they continued to easily track your character as you move at Mach 5 across 7 full-scale cities like a cybernetic Spiderman had a baby with The Flash, but they can't track the jungler going from red buff 3 feet over to golems and then to top-side river.

League of Legends just simply shows you what players are actually like without their cheats. Stupid. The negative side effect of keeping competitive integrity is that you have a drastic increase in baby ragers, schizoid lunatics, inters, griefers, etc. who all feel an injustice in not being able to win a game 100% of the time they choose to.

For an easier comparison, look at the toxicity levels between CS:GO and Valorant. 1 game has a gazillion cheaters (looking at regular mm not FaceIt) and 1 game has a kernel-level anti cheat. I'll allow you to determine which of these two games yet again struggles with horrid levels of man children baby raging. It's almost like developers allow cheats because someone actually figured out that the average player satisfaction is higher or something. Like Riot games showed other AAA companies the actual reality of what happens if you put in the effort to maintain competitive integrity, and this would also explain why every game has allowed this hacking issue to persist for a very long time now (talking AAA here where costliness is not the biggest factor). Check Goat's video titled "the wiggle that killed Tarkov" to see how easy cheating is (and how common it actually is with games using "Battle nothing but the processing power of my cpu Eye" and "Easy to get around if you can simply spell Linux or have $5 Anti Cheat").

@Decodedvirus - 23.12.2023 14:53

Whatdafuk happened to ur channel

@boiboi2674 - 23.12.2023 15:40

I didnt play league for 1.5 years and got back into it now 1 week later... im suddenly emerald? what is emerald idk but im emerald and going to climb diamond before season ends :D having fun

@laescama497 - 23.12.2023 22:59

I like "can we talk about this" videos even if they become outdated, just because I like your videos and people ranting about champions

@DieSerah - 24.12.2023 02:06

Accurate Hwei Skill reading Reaction

@towneynewby7185 - 24.12.2023 06:21

Promo>SM 😑

@largizia - 26.12.2023 01:41

Please, pleeaaaseeee I miss your league content so muuuuch

@celloj3703 - 27.12.2023 00:53

How was I not subscribed?

@toddwilliams8128 - 29.12.2023 01:48

wish they'd bring back Ultimate Spellbook. It makes SR so much more fun by making a simple, yet meaningful tweak to the gameplay.
That said, I'm an ARAM enthusiast for life. They take out ARAM, I'm writing off my account.
I am finding myself spending more time on other games, and it makes me appreciate League that much more when I do come back to it.

@WizardWill - 29.12.2023 06:43

honestly crazy as i came onto this video and was weirded out that i wasn't subscribed. "Did i unsubscribe skooch....? i don't remember doing that? was it for a good reason? did him leaving league really put me off? that doesn't sound right???" i sub, go to the channel see 3 videos and look at the channel name and was certain for but a moment, "Ooooh this is a bot or something that steals his videos i see", i unsub. then, i see the first video on this channel, "oh no wait its a secret second channel... not so secret anymore it seems". thank you for the multiple cases of whiplash! lol subs AGAIN

@zombie_dinosaur96 - 29.12.2023 07:02

I hate arena

@nightpurple372 - 02.01.2024 01:19

I'm growing to hate arena with each game I play. Tryhard players developed a meta of tanks and stalling comps. The ranked system is also a detriment to the casual players.

This arena rerun made the mode worse by adding a revive mechanic and forcing me to play anti-tanks to not feel miserable throughout the game.

Arena is all about showing off your mechanical skill, not play X and Y champion to get to the highest rank

@hggpi - 02.01.2024 17:12

loser moment

@paradoxplant5070 - 15.01.2024 21:29

and then they added vanguard..

@Gadoxplayer - 19.01.2024 02:14

@xanicsauce6927 - 19.01.2024 04:04

Typed a comment on the main channel and went straight here. Bro keep it up you the GOAT

@emeraldtrevino7198 - 19.01.2024 04:20

Man i would love to hear what he has to say. About literally anything.

@joshuaadkins9820 - 19.01.2024 06:02

I feel that when you say you only enjoy league 40% of the time, though mines more like 5% of the time. I could be playing my favorite champion (Akali) and be doing gods work landing every combo getting penta and penta going 30/0 and will sit there with 0 emotion on my face. Idk what it is but that game gives me negative dopamine and negative serotonin.

@JayP99MC - 19.01.2024 09:59

Even if you don't go back to League content like you used to I still very much enjoyed your funny Tier list videos, Bronze Theory Craft, and just your overall thoughts on the game.

I still love your new videos but it is nice to have a YTer that talks about League that makes it funny such as yourself

@Tohkoe - 19.01.2024 18:40

The Hwei part with the silence really had me laughing with tears, feels good to see you back and looking forward to your videos!

@asir9129 - 20.01.2024 20:03

whats up with that absurdly long mic

@nachoigbexto1169 - 23.01.2024 05:38

and 1 month after this video they laid off 500 rioters,leaving riot forge and LoR with an uncertain destiny

@justkrustus960 - 23.01.2024 21:51

Hopefully they continue to put more stuff out and innovate. We just want to have fun in the video game

@shouinkyoma - 24.01.2024 00:30

Apparently, you was not wrong...

@benwhitton3434 - 24.01.2024 04:12

Tier lists must return

@spiderzz1 - 14.02.2024 19:52

i dont think i can go back to league without serious change, including a complete community overhaul including stricter moderation, its just too nasty and unfun and i dont think their strategy of constantly adding more champions does anything for the game if anything i think its making it worse.
