Piper needs a clean sheet design. These claustrophobic cabins without a pilot door are completely raunchy.
ОтветитьVery impressive all around – Plane, pilot and controller!
ОтветитьCouldn't Piper have used slightly smaller displays to reduce the height of the panel for better visibility. Or is it because most people fly with autopilot, so you don't need as much visibility 🤔
ОтветитьVery interesting introduction flight and quite a work out for everyone .. good job 😊
Ответитьi'd certainly fly with Mindy anytime....thanks for a great flight!
ОтветитьWhat a great plane. I need more money.
ОтветитьHe didn't seem to want to show you anything, i mean you are not buying one anytime this lifetime but there will be people who will and can who will tune into watch.
ОтветитьKind of a nosey plane. Visibility out the front and back kinda sucks. 300 kilometers @ 50+ - gallons of fuel? Plenty of bells and whistle though, what a great plane.
ОтветитьI didn't see the red auto land button is that optional
ОтветитьHow much with that fancy paint job are there any options. Is air conditioning standard
ОтветитьThe plane? Perfect. The flight? Perfect. The video hostess? Nice, always in control, and not annoying. Joel: "Are we DONE yet? And stop asking questions". Meh. Engineers.
ОтветитьAs always Schmiiindy, outstanding flying, well done...
ОтветитьHi! Do you edit videos yourself or outsource it? I’m an editor and would love to discuss, if you’re interested
ОтветитьThat is a beautiful paint job
Ответить‘There’s traffic 1 o clock….you know what there’s traffic everywhere just turn base’ 😂
ОтветитьNice Mindy!
ОтветитьNice job Mindy. Nice aircraft. My dad was a Piper and a Cessna dealer for many years in Spokane Washington. As a kid I got to fly to Vero Beach many times with my dad to take delivery of new Cherokee's. Mr Piper even came to our Grand Opening way back in the 1960's . I was a lucky kid and learned to fly for FREE!!😊
ОтветитьTakes some balls to to sit next to a student - with goggles on and that balloon on approach was scary - got to 10kts or so from a stall - then it’s death at that height.
I remember my CFI instruct always said speed, pitch - watch carefully as speed can kill you , when test just gets you lost or go around etc
There been several crashes this year with pilots and student with trim, pitch and then stall on take off or landing and it never ends well.
Brave to have it on camera - the auto pilot is similar to indicating in cars man make mistake of manoeuvre then indicate when you must indicate first then manoeuvre- so you you have to tell (indicate autopilot all the things before using it and stay ahead) and many relay on it so much more her faults occur they forget to watch pitch, roll and speed & trim.
That's an incredibly nice plane! More aircraft should use color schemes like this. Gorgeous.
ОтветитьATC was hectic this day. They need to work on their coordination.
ОтветитьNice demo flight Mindy.
Lady controller was fantastic handling multiple aircraft...mostly students.
Love that Piper Fury.
Leave that yoke neutral at the stall break and after. Always lift a wing with rudder
ОтветитьSuper cool to see. I live about 15min from there I'd love to get into an aviation job, but I am somewhat disabled and can't stand on a manufacturing floor anymore. I would love to work for.Puper that would be a dream job. I've been teaching for 9 years and it's getting worst every year.
ОтветитьI'm a little iffy on the specifics of where the aircraft on approach broke off prior to entering the airspace. The PHAK says you must be in two way radio communication with the ATC facility "providing air traffic services" prior to entering said airspace. Does that mean approach covers that base as well as tower? It sounds like he was under the impression he has to talk to tower first.
ОтветитьThat sales guy is terrible. Luckily for him pilots kinda make up their minds on what they need. Great video!
ОтветитьHow absolutely fitting is it that he is a Chrome Dome ...
ОтветитьAnd another excellent experience, two cool hands!
ОтветитьCan't remember what he said his title was(engineering something I think so that explains it), but maybe they should get someone with a personality doing demos to actual customers if they'd like to sell airplane. A real bundle of joy he is😂. You'd could tell she was like uhhhh😂. I had to stop half way through because I was so annoyed. Cool bird though.
Ответитьnice video
ОтветитьI got super stressed just listening
ОтветитьNeat aircraft, love to have one. Who picked the hideous paint scheme on this one? He must have been color-blind.
Ответитьohhh nightmare. takes all the fun out but a good way to gauge stress level management.
ОтветитьBS!!... What are you gonna do Donald douche bag? Throw them some more paper towels?
ОтветитьFind a way to edit out most of the tower conversation. Watching for A/c performance, climb, turns, fuel usage etc. Most do too much avionics advert.
ОтветитьI enjoy a pilot actually piloting a A/C not so much A/P doing the job, auto throttle,etc.
ОтветитьHero ATC that was great!
ОтветитьNice airplane. Paying homage to the TBM
ОтветитьThat controller is a super hero ❤
ОтветитьThis is the best looking non-military aircraft. Thanks for the ride-a-long.
ОтветитьNo single, turbine is worth 2.5 mil let alone 5!!!!. Especially one if your over 5'9" you wont fit.
ОтветитьHow did you like the M700? What about it for a small business with a 3 pax + pilot load at most
ОтветитьWhy is it called Beta instead of reverse thrust? Does it have something to do with the computer?
Wow, that guy really doesn't like to converse does he? He seems to put more effort into not trying to say something than just being considerate and not making you have to labor for answers to basic questions! I can't see this guy selling many planes! He probably needs to stay behind the desk
It's nice to know that Max cruise on a Piper 700 is really just a sales gimmick!
I fly a the Piper Jalopy M100! It does 65 on a good day and I can keep the winders open and lap up the breeze! I don't think they make 'em no more for some reason! She's nothin' fancy, but she's sure dependable! She gets me where I need ta be and if anything goes wrong like losing the engine or some such, she's got them Garmin emergency back up peddles that keep me aloft at about 100rpm!
I once flew her coast to coast and it only took me a week! Yup 🤓I jus love her so much!
I'd like to know how there is an entrance door on both sides of the aircraft in the video
ОтветитьPIPER 850? THE NEW MAGIC # 325 CRUISE ON 50 TO 60 GAL . WHO IS # 1 IN THIS CLASS ? EPIC 1000 ?
ОтветитьHe wasn't kidding about getting in and out being a challenge. I flew a 600nm xc in an M350 recently and felt like a 600lb gorilla climbing into the right seat.