Natalie Barr, is ads that have any half naked men totally inch perfect by you?.
ОтветитьNatalie Barr = Nat the Rat, very hard to like
ОтветитьHer face looks awfully masculine to be a feminist.
ОтветитьTypical modern feminist bitter women who are angry and jealous off men more successful than them
ОтветитьThe women in the advertisement had no problem being in it....
Ответитьshe's a raygun reporter
ОтветитьYeah, this stupid smug mole and her mates don't represent the average Aussie.
ОтветитьShe's a twit
ОтветитьHe is Not arrogant like Ali was
ОтветитьWhy is NO INTERVIEWER ASKING, "Would have challanged the Tyson of 1986?"
Ответить99 aussie women are like her , ugly
Ответитьand she has her shirt on backward
ОтветитьThe woman is not even that good looking to be acting like a feminist. She is an embarrassment though.
ОтветитьShe’s a complete butt head!!!
Ответитьhe fuked her with just his mouth .
ОтветитьNot one person in the world let alone Australia knows her or his name but mike tyson will forever be apart of history
ОтветитьNatalie Barrschtein
ОтветитьMike showed how much smarter and decent a human being he is compared to her.
Ответитьher stupid ass
ОтветитьUsually you cant tell when someone's tryna pull a response out of you but this women cant hide it for nothing lol
ОтветитьShe needs to do her research properly for a start. Mike achieved more than she can dream of and as for being dumb , she couldn't have been far away from the truth if she tried.
ОтветитьI stopped smoking weed years ago. The past couple of years I noticed that I get angrier and angrier, because of all the bs thats going on around the world, especially in the western hemisphere. Yesterday I took a few puffs of a blunt and got relaxed like I wasnt for a long time. Gonna start smoking again. If it relaxes Mike, it can relax anyone.
ОтветитьI love and forever will love the GOAT
Mike Tyson. What credentials did that
British bitch hold ?
Aussie here, the journalist is a real lightweight. Her opinion, and feminist questions show how useless our tv journalists are
ОтветитьNatalia Barr 7 News TV Morning Show Presenter Sydney. Left Wing Liberalist TV Channel. An ofiliate of the U.S MSNBC Network.😮
ОтветитьAustralians just constantly love to hear themselves speak (above everyone else). Here's some breaking news, "Nobody gives a f@ck"
ОтветитьGet a life lady, lol
ОтветитьWhy do people interview someone, but not actually ask them questions about themselves?
I thought the goal was to REVEAL unique angles about their lives and their accomplishments?
What happened to legit news and press coverage. What a waste of time.
ОтветитьThis women is so annoying
ОтветитьSloppy embarrassing interview. Nat Bar name of the journalist is pretty much an amateur hour type of tv presenter. Was always the fill in at that show until one of their mains left and replaced with NB probably to save money. That’s how we in Aus understand it anyway.
ОтветитьThis is a masterclass in how to handle people with an agenda. Simply let them speak and before long, the moron appears.
ОтветитьIt's funny how everyone looks dumb after talking to Mike Tyson, and they don't expect that
Ответитьwhat a trainwreck for her
ОтветитьIt's funny how she's trying to critisise him for not thinking about boxing anymore,
ОтветитьWhat does she mean illiterate, he was reading amazing insighful historical literature, when he was onlh whag 15 probably younger.
ОтветитьWhy is she asking this man about feminism , what a waste of an interview with the Greatest boxer in the world!!!
ОтветитьThis lady is a clown
ОтветитьIf she had this interview with Mike 15 or 20 yrs ago he would've had her crying midway into the interview
ОтветитьMike Tyson is as real as it gets. Around 10 years ago I went to Vegas and we stayed at the MGM and Mike was in the casino before a show started. He was having a blast taking pictures with his fist next to guys jaws and laughing and just having fun with everyone. If you see him in public he is really cool in real life.
ОтветитьIt takes absolutely no discipline whatsoever to excel in wokeism whereas it takes an amount of discipline that fills up the space in between the Earth and the Milky Way to be chiseled into a top class athlete like the highly respectable Mike Tyson. If one cannot respect such dedication, perhaps one should either try and rise to Tyson's level first or just keep quiet forever.
As for the smug news 'presenter', speaking with a slow speed of speech doesn't make you come across as intelligent rather, it makes you sound spaced-out.
Mike Tyson may not have suffered concussions in the boxing ring but this arrogant cretin's idiotic nonsense is already causing him brain tumour level pain.
He is a peace of shir pushing people around in interviews because he can. He's a looooozer
ОтветитьMike's biggest regret is having to restrain himself from EFF bombing her in this interview like he did back in the day.
ОтветитьI would actually like to see Mike in a ring with this jumped up bych
ОтветитьBig brave men coming to save women is called human history, honey. No amount of airbrushing can ever erase that. After all, that's the # 1 plot of romance novels that all women read, likely including herself, if she's being honest.
ОтветитьAussies are mostly a bunch of pansies. Would have been nice to see Iron Mike in the studio. The pansy Aussie interviewer would have shit.
ОтветитьScantily clad women I thought feminist was about freedom about women they can dress how they want
ОтветитьTypical Aussie TV its embarrassing-were not like this in general. 🇦🇺