UX/UI In The AI Era - Simplest Design Process!

UX/UI In The AI Era - Simplest Design Process!

AI Tooltip

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@StynerDevHub - 18.10.2024 18:22


@salehbahiral-ulloom589 - 18.10.2024 19:19

Thank you!! You made this look so easy and simple. Awesome job, very helpful.

@Ririsuniverse - 18.10.2024 19:49

Wow! you made it so simple and easy to recreate! thank you 🤯

@KStone-zx3cc - 18.10.2024 21:31

Thank you man

@AbuBakr1 - 19.10.2024 06:07

Please make a video on "Designs to Code", thanks

@jeromejacobs5007 - 19.10.2024 18:42

Can you make a video to show us how to build the app with AI like Claude or Cursor?

@mehmetnaciakkk3983 - 20.10.2024 17:16

Thanks! It would be more practical to move the design into FlutterFlow or Bubble that create executable prototypes.

@mpressme - 20.10.2024 19:09

love your content! (and your hair ;)

@djambidextre - 20.10.2024 21:39

What if in your name the D was a B instead 😂😂😂

@sirjaroudi - 21.10.2024 11:25

Thanks for the simple explanation and rich content. Finally a good way for the none designers like us.

@keldiggs232 - 21.10.2024 21:16

Can you use Local LLMs models with this Galileo AI?

@ErikHill1 - 22.10.2024 13:58

This is amazing.. can Galileo create any UI, eg. web pages, web apps? Just subscribed!

@Hayden.1234 - 23.10.2024 00:50

Great as usual! Thanks

@50andabove - 23.10.2024 21:32

Thanks for the simple explanation and rich content. This not only made me miss designing but i consider it the most educative content i have seen today.

@Floyd-ep2ng - 24.10.2024 03:15

Great stuff! Thanks for the video. I'm wondering if if any of the AI UI tools generate custom animations, would be cool to see a video on that!

@yellovvpurple - 06.11.2024 23:29

Hey Jad, can you do a video showing how you can generate new UI UX for an app that is built already?

@hamdur - 08.11.2024 14:49

Thanks for this great video again! Is there a way that we can provide our own design system/branding as input for tools like Galileo AI, Visily to create UI? Secondly, how easy is to import design in Figma and work on it?

@kami_dvibes - 09.11.2024 16:45

Great video ! Galileo is like Visily for UI but which one do you prefer ? In which case would you use one more than the other?

@SeanBotha - 13.11.2024 23:59

BoltDOTai is better daily free credits and it creates front snd back end. This serms to be a advertisement nothing free just short test to get you hooked

@fishfrom96 - 15.11.2024 00:07

Absolute gem of a channel. Great work and love your way of explaining things. Keep it up!

@steffenbaumgarten5266 - 15.11.2024 19:07

Great video! 🙌 Thank you. In combination with your other video about the process using ux pilot and visily a few questions are popping up:

- Is UX Pilot the best tool for turning prompts into clear on-screen requirements? I often feel misunderstood when prompting in Visily.
- From what I understand, Visily is mainly for creating designs from wireframe screenshots – is that accurate?
- The designs shown for Galileo in this video look much more polished and beautiful. Would Galileo be a better choice for generating designs compared to Visily?
- I think Galileo also has a screenshot to design feature. Would then the process with claude-->ux pilot-->Galileo-->figma be better?
- Lastly, I see that Galileo has the option to export to Figma. Do you have experience with that? The export from visily to figma are quite good (not perfect reg auto-layout and responsive, but quite good) - how does the Galileo export compare?

Thanks for shedding light on these tools! 😊
And in general your amazing work! I'm starting a hackathon tonight and your videos are helping so much in preparation.

@QristalDev - 15.11.2024 23:16

This is super awesome

@abdulsamad.abd007 - 19.11.2024 21:20

This galileo what happens when your credit finishes

@damianr4680 - 29.12.2024 11:35

sorry, but seems that is not Free :')
Good tool tho

@TheBraidShop2024 - 21.01.2025 09:01

Thank you for doing this video

@JohnMcCullough97 - 26.02.2025 17:29

As a non-designer, this is perfect. Great video. I feel empowered.

@mobtech6738 - 21.03.2025 05:35

Please create an app using ai with same ui
