So the church did little to nothing while someone not with the church (one of those heretic Protestants) helped save and protect lives and clean up. Sounds about right. After all, they were celebrating the destruction because they had children to molest and adults to keep ignorant.
ОтветитьAt around 9.0 on the Richter’s scale (estimated from reports) and 60, 000 dead, the Lisbon earthquake - and the great tsunami and fire that followed - is Europe’s greatest recorded natural disaster. The epicenter was about 100 miles SW of Lisbon on the Gibraltar-Azores seismic subduction zone where the African plate subducts under the European Plate. The M. de Pombal not only supervised the rebuilding of the modern city, he also invented the science of seismology and became the unofficial dictator of Portugal for 20 years when the weak king - who never slept indoors again - gave him the run of the country. BURY THE DEAD AND FEED THE LIVING is Pombal’s most famous utterance. The quake was largely responsible for the Enlightenment and Voltaire’s Candide - How could “all be for the best in this best of all possible worlds” when God could allow such horrors to happen!
ОтветитьGod created nature. He is in control of it. This could still be a form of his wrath on the city. Perhaps they were going to far with the veneration of saints to the point of it becoming idolatry.
ОтветитьYou have to appreciate the Portuguese…especially the Lisboetas for their uncanny ability to not only master the English language, but also speak with a nuanced understanding of vernacular phrasing! Spaniards, in my experience seldom achieve this.
ОтветитьJapan and North America both have had worse Earthquakes. Don't forget about South America, where the most powerful earthquake ever recorded was felt and witnessed. The only reason Earthquakes in Europe gets so much hype is due to Imperialistic cultural reasons.
ОтветитьThis Earthquake Made Shay Cormac Join Templar Order
ОтветитьI was there and it was chaos.
Ответитьgovernment of lisbon and portugal are useless and corrupt, the over creowd with over superpopulation the main cities like lisbon, people even live on the streets, its a messy city and in case of such mega tragic event it be the end, many people if not all will be trapt because all routes of scapes will be blocked by millions of people that resides in the city.
ОтветитьSurfin was good that day!
ОтветитьLot of propaganda in this documentary but still cool to see an 18th century docudrama of Portugal since it’s so rare. All I’ll say is this, how’s your woke Church of England going for you? That’s what I thought.
ОтветитьThis is the Earthquake that many Christians started to believe that there is no God .
ОтветитьI am a saint. I met Jesus. He transfigured. I have levitated. And go into Holy ecstacies. Saints are real. We work mostly as spirit.
ОтветитьThe burnt people alive that's why they had this earthquake
ОтветитьQué interesante documental. Pombal era un genio, evidentemente. Lo guió la intuición o algún tipo de formacion para comprender las fuerzas de la naturaleza y reconstruir la ciudad?
ОтветитьWell, interesting documentary about a very interesting historical event. But it is kind of offputting to see a mass murderer like Pombal made out to be a hero, and his most famous victim demonized. Again, the research is great, but the history is amoral and clearly written by the winners.
In the end, this one just doesn't sit well with me.
This event was the opening of the sixth seal (Revelation 6:13) 11-1-1755 ‘a great earthquake.’ The next to come; ‘The great dark day’ May 19,1780. And the final event; ‘the stars falling from the sky’ 11-13-1833. Look them up, they are well publicized events. To those who say these things or other disasters are the ‘wrath of God’ don’t know their Bibles. The Bible tells us that the ‘wrath of God’ is ‘The 7 last plagues,’ (as given in Revelation chapter 16). The ‘wrath of God’ is defined in Revelation 15.1; Revelation 16:1. The 7 last plagues are the punishment upon those who accept the ‘mark of the beast’ (Sunday rest by law, with a no buy no sell upon the obedient believers who keep the commandments of God and rest on the 7th day). The ‘Remnant’ are the obedient believers who keep the biblical Sabbath; sunset the sixth day to sunset the seventh day (or Friday sunset to Saturday sunset). See; Revelation 12:17; 14:12; 22:14. If you ‘think’ Sunday is the true day of rest you receive the ‘mark’ in the forehead (conscious decision, if you know the true biblical Sabbath but are afraid of the dire consequences of keeping it and choose to disobey FATHER and keep ‘dies solis’ the day of the sun you receive the ‘mark’ in your right hand (actions). There will be 2 camps/character types of humans at this time; humans who are like the Messiah and humans that are disobedient like Lucifer. Like it or not the truth is the truth.
ОтветитьToo biased against the Church, couldn't even mention Marquês de Pombal was a freemason.
ОтветитьLisbon, Portugal was the capitol seat of the inquisition who conducted 1,000 acts of persecution by the burning of the stake and torture of fellow Christians.
It and its people were wiped out in a single day by the very finger of God
Surely this was a judgement from God against a wicked generation of people and not just a natural disaster
Wiping out the medieval inquisition and religious oppression
ОтветитьThe narrator should've used the title "Marquis of Pombal" instead of "markues de Pombal", since the whole documentary is in English.
ОтветитьThere was a tsunami warning sign by my house in CA.
ОтветитьPoor animals :(
Brutal EQ
goringe bank Earthquake , Earthquake gron Gorringe bank also destroyed Tartessos-Atlandis Gadiz in 1150 BC
ОтветитьEarthquake and tsumani
ОтветитьAnd to none's surprise it became true that Portugal went on to be a backwater non-industrialized nation lagging way behind from most of western Europe INCLUDING it's neighbor to the east!
Today Portugal produces nothing of value after having one of the greatest empires in history they have nothing to show for it. Portugal is apar with places like Albania or Montenegro in terms of advance and progress. Truly sad and pathetic. That great man knew this 250 years ago and predicted this very thing.
What if you take the dock cover hold I think the results of that is still death
ОтветитьWhat if we do the dock cover hold is it results death
ОтветитьThe Portuguese tortured Muslims and massacred them in India and Africa and God almighty ended their power
ОтветитьMore dramatic narrative than actual reality.
ОтветитьVery interesting. Notable that the non-Christian organised the health and welfare of the people while the Jesuits pounded on them for their sins and made them kiss the saints statues or else. The fact that this happened on All Saints' Day is rather funny, and as an atheist my husband found it particularly funny. A few years ago he met a Portuguese driver who came in regularly where he worked, and it seems that the Portuguese are socially much better adjusted than England.
Ответить7.5 to 8.0 to 8.5
ОтветитьAll saints day quake like Good friday alaska quake 1964
ОтветитьAll the Portuguese atrocity was stop by this ONE earthquake alone. The Portuguese are killing and colonize people left and right before this happens.
ОтветитьAfter years of colonization, massacre, and forcing Christianity. Portuguese Empire got punishment on their holy day, November 1st, Feast of All Saints. That is some justice
ОтветитьThis is God answer from muslim women suplication that return from pilgrimage in mecca on the way back to india they have been caught by the portuguese and burn alive slaughter massacred for 450 muslim including children on the boat. God never allow injustice flowrish for a long time
ОтветитьGod is the greatest Human is very arrogant
ОтветитьApocalypse 9.0 Richter Scale
Ответитьit was the Punishment of Allah for the atrocities comitted by Pirate Vascodegama and the Portuguese empire
ОтветитьThe downfall of an empire on that day
ОтветитьRubbish about God or Allah punishment I saw in the comments.
By the way Lisbon was the first city rebuild with construction anti earthquake, being the first country in the world to apply scientific processes to the buildings against earthquake centuries before others.
"The lesser people know, the more power flows to the church". Another confirmation to what we have always known.
ОтветитьThanks for the upload, good documentary.
But one major mistake that stood out to me: tsunamis are not always "announced" by retreating water. Sometimes the wave hits first and the water retreats completely before another wave hits. Or even no visible wave at all, its just the ocean coming inland like seen during the Indian ocean tsunami 2004, which to me is the most terrifying. (Cant find the video where Ive seen that, Ill add it when Ive found it again).
I wonder what the scientists of 1755 would think of the knowledge and technology of today. It also amazes me that whale sonar has led to what we know today. It all seems quite logical now, but when it was discovered how useful it could be for science it wouldn't have been
Ответитьthank goodness for Pombal
ОтветитьThanks who destroying a precursor site ordered by Achilies.
ОтветитьThe birth of modern seismology was the great positive to come from this disaster, which profoundly disrupted the expansion of the Portuguese Empire and resulted in the loss of many of the country's, and by extension Europe's historical records, not least the details of Vasco Da Gama's early voyages 😢
ОтветитьThis was actually foretold in the Bible. To get a detailed explanation of this, please read the book The Great Controversy, and the particular chapter on this is chapter 17 entitled “Heralds of The Morning.”