50 Years Together: The Untold Story of a Couple Living in the Mountains

50 Years Together: The Untold Story of a Couple Living in the Mountains

Food Around The World

1 день назад

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Meet the Yaremchuk family: Dmitry Vasilyevich and Evdokia Arkadievna, a couple who has spent over 50 years together, living in the picturesque Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine, in the village of Vyzhenka. Evdokia Arkadievna has dedicated her entire life to preserving the rich history of the Hutsuls, a unique ethnic group in the region. As a passionate collector and keeper of local heritage, she has amassed an impressive collection of ancient artifacts, records, and photographs. Her life's work is a tribute to the culture and history of her village, ensuring its legacy for future generations.
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