In a fair competition between the vehicles with the electric power steering and those with the hydraulic one, the former are definitely winning and replacing the latter little by little. Cars with electric power steering are more efficient and user-friendly. They are also more advanced, and such things as an autopilot, or a parking assist system would not be possible without them. This technological progress pushes auto workshops to be aware of market trends and improve constantly. Though it is not the equipment alone that needs an upgrade - garage specialists need it just the same much.
It has given us the idea of creating training courses in different garage specializations, including EPS systems. And then, the situation in the world forced us to look for alternatives. That’s how we have created the online courses.
Today we will talk about our online course "Diagnostics and repair of EPS and EHPS systems". The course duration is four days, during which our specialists will give you insight into the following:
· EPS system types and conventional designs
· Diagnostic techniques
· Major faults and troubleshooting
· Specifics of ECU assembly, disassembly, and repair
· Diagnostic equipment operation
The online course program is exactly the same as when the trainees study at our Training Center. We use several video cameras to avoid problems with watching clearly every detail in the process of training. At the customer's request, we can provide the course video. Upon completion, the trainees subscribe to our Telegram chat for technical support.
So far, online training has plenty of advantages. As for the drawbacks, the most upsetting one is that we won't be able to shake your hand or have coffee together. Though, coffee together – this we can do!