Altered TCG Review

Altered TCG Review

Drive Thru Games

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@Clappincardboard - 12.09.2024 15:27

Great review. The game looks super fun to play and I am looking forward to trying it out. I’m pretty sure they are going to have like a print and play kinda thing. Like if you pull only one copy of a rare and you want more you can pay them (I think they said around 30 cents) to print a copy of that card for you and send it to you. Very cool to complete playsets. Love the unique card idea too. Game reminds me of Star Wars unlimited/40k conquest. The reserve mechanic is so far my favorite part.

@RollDiceTakeNames - 12.09.2024 15:56

Great review of the game. Gameplay wise, I really like this game because it's not about 'dealing damage'. It's more of an area control game handled with small skirmishes. My only reservations is the business model. I too was a fan of Warhammer Champions and saw what happened with that. TCGs thrive on the secondary market so it's a wait and see if the market embraces this model.
And if you are ever looking for a game on BGA, hit me up! -Marty

@Chris3s - 12.09.2024 17:49

I liked my time at a private sealed event. I am not sure how I feel about limiting permanents to just 2 though

@kevinsayers5985 - 12.09.2024 21:25

You got something wrong in your final thoughts I wanted to clarify. Rare versions of cards aren't just better stats. Matter fact often times the stats are the same or worse because the ability is better or even different and the cost can be higher or lower

@abm3873 - 13.09.2024 00:35

Thanks for the review! Really love the fact in future you can plug your collection of cards in BGA to play against people :)

@ianoble - 13.09.2024 01:43

We've played this a bunch on BGA. Bought all the starters in person and playing with physical cards is a bit more mathy than I expected.

Also, Ordis is much stronger than the other starter decks, so we're looking forward to getting some boosters and building decks.

@ITAmich - 15.09.2024 16:50

I'm not entirely sold on the unique card idea... While it's true that the tournament organizer can set their house rules, if whoever publishes it wants to have a sanctioned competitive scene they need to set up clear-cut rules. I can't really think of a different solution other than disallowing uniques to avoid a truly OP card to run away with an almost effortless win and that should extend to ranked play as well in case ranking matter in the competitive scene... If that's the case the intrinsic value and chase-ness of those cards goes to 0, their existence is moot outside kitchen-table play and they are dead cards in packs for those who wish to partake in said competitive scene...

@IllShitYourPants - 19.09.2024 01:36

This looks really interesting. I have to try and play it. I think card games where the win condition isn't just killing your opponent are often very fun.

@born2bwildne744 - 04.12.2024 22:51

Hope all is OK w/ you and yours.
