Operation Song Chattanooga - The Price of Freedom - Josh Roe Reporting

Operation Song Chattanooga - The Price of Freedom - Josh Roe Reporting


54 года назад

209 Просмотров

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Operation Song is a group of Nashville song writers, musicians, and volunteers who help veterans and families heal and cope with what they've been through.

The organization has been working with the families of Chattanooga's fallen five and other military members who were there during the terrorist attack in Chattanooga on July 16, 2015.

We were there when Navy Lt. Cmdr. Tim White and Tracy Smith heard the music they helped write with Operation Song.

Commander White was at the Navy Operation Support Center during the attack and was the one military member who fired a weapon that day.

Tracy Smith's son, Petty Officer Randall Smith, was killed in the attack.

The songs written about July 16 will be performed at Night Fall in downtown Chattanooga on Friday July 15, 2016



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